
These guidelines are designed to provide you with information about applying for a grant from the McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF). The following is an explanation of our policy, priorities, limitations, deadlines, and other things you’ll need to know about the way we work and the factors that influence our decisions.

Grant Application

The MCCF is currently accepting applications. (Please see information below on when applications are accepted.)

To login to an existing account and submit an application, or to create an account, please CLICK HERE.

Throughout the year, there are several options for making an application through this site. Here is a breakdown of what is offered and when, and who should be doing which!

MCCF General Grant Application Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, with soft deadlines the 15th of January, March, July, September, and November. Grant cycles will reset every year on July 1. Applicants must demonstrate their program benefits residents of McPherson County.

Lindsborg David Nutt Regular Grant ApplicationsApplications up to $10,000 are accepted on an ongoing basis, with deadlines the 15th of January, March, July, September, and November. Grant cycles will reset every year on July 1.

Lindsborg David Nutt Large Grant ApplicationsApplications above $10,000 will be accepted once each fiscal year. Each cycle will adhere to the following timeline
November 15-January 15: applications accepted, February: public input survey, March: committee consideration, April: final decisions shared (after the Board Meeting).

Mastermind McPherson County Grant Application This grant is open to McPherson County organizations working to address one of the five priorities identified at Mastermind McPherson County; Economic development, Placemaking, Leadership, Community Health, and Child Care. Typical grant award is less than $10,000.

Moundridge Grant ApplicationApplications are accepted on an ongoing basis, with soft deadlines the 15th of January, March, July, September, and November. Grant cycles will reset every year on July 1. Applicants must demonstrate their program benefits residents of Moundridge.

Marquette Grant Application Applications are accepted December 1- February 16, 2024. Applicants must demonstrate their program benefits residents of Marquette, KS.

Inman Grant Application Applications are accepted August 5 – September 13, 2024. Applicants must demonstrate their program benefits residents of Inman, KS.


Needed documents for applications:

Grant Glossary

Sample Project Budget

Sample Project Funding Breakdown

What kinds of programs does the MCCF fund?

The McPherson County Community Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations in the McPherson area with a focus in Arts; Basic Human Needs and Disaster Relief: Children and Youth; Community Development and Leadership; Conservation, Preservation, and Beautification; Education; the Elderly; and Health Care and Mental Health.

Three Categories we use to define projects:

Program – this is the most common application type and should be used for requests regarding programming you intend to offer your clients; Equipment – this process should be used for requests regarding a piece of equipment or technology or other items that don’t change the physical building; and Capital – this process is generally for requests regarding updates to or for a new physical structure.)

What type of support is funded?

The review committee will consider the following:

  • Project or program support – supports specific projects or programs.
  • Operating or general support – supports the work of the organization.
  • Seed money – to establish or initiate a new project, program or organization, including salaries and other operating expenses.
  • Capacity building – activities that strengthen an organization and help better fulfill its mission, such as equipment and staff, facility purchase and renovation, training, publications, and convening.
  • Capital campaigns – supports construction or renovation of a facility. Typically a maximum grant of $10,000 will be awarded to selected recipients.

What type of information does the committee consider when selecting recipients?

When evaluating applications careful consideration is given to the following:

  • The potential impact of the request and the number of people who will benefit;
  • The degree to which the applicant works with or complements the services of other organizations;
  • The commitment and composition of the organization’s Board of Directors;
  • The extent of volunteer involvement and support for the project;
  • The organization’s fiscal responsibility and management qualifications;
  • The possibility of the use of its grants as seed money for matching funds from other sources;
  • The ability of the organization to obtain additional funding to implement the project; and
  • The assurance from the organization of their ability to provide ongoing funding.

When are grant applications considered? 

Applications are typically reviewed the last Wednesday of these months: January, March, May, July, September and November. To be considered in a certain grant “round,” please submit your applications the 2nd to last Wednesday of those months. (*These dates can be effected by holidays – please pay close attention to specific dates stated in each grant round description.) After the Grant’s committee reviews, applications are then considered by the MCCF Board. (Board meetings are typically in Feb, April, June, August, Oct and Dec on the 2nd Wednesday.) After board consideration, you will be contacted by email with the next steps in the application process.

Each year, the MCCF will completely close applications in Mid-May to update the grant system. The new fiscal year will begin a grant year on July 1, annually.

Restrictions on Foundation Support 

MCCF does not make grants to individuals. We also ordinarily do not support:

  • Annual appeals in membership drives
  • Grants to support individuals – review the Scholarship Application page for information regarding educational scholarships.
  • Travel for individuals, bands, sports teams, classes and similar groups;
  • Lobbying or political purposes
  • Support of organizations that practice discrimination by race, color, creed, sex, age or national origin
  • Operating deficits or retirement of debt

Grant Award Procedure 

All applications undergo a preliminary review by the MCCF staff for eligibility, completeness, and clarity. Applicants will be sent an acknowledgement of receipt of proposals and notification of any missing or incomplete information. The applications are then sent to the Grants Committee, comprised of volunteer citizens for review. The committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for final approval.

If your proposal is approved, you will receive a grant agreement that outlines the terms and conditions under which the grant has been authorized. A final narrative and fiscal report will be required upon completion of the project or, in the case of ongoing projects, within one year of funding. Final evaluation reports may be accessed and submitted through your online grant portal.

** Lindsborg organizations – for information on the Smoky Valley Community Foundation applications, please click here.