The Moundridge Community Foundation (MCF) board of directors is pleased to announce over $27,000 in grant funds have been awarded to15 local organizations serving the Moundridge residents. Funds were made possible by the Moundridge Community Fund, Kansas Health Foundation Public Health Fund and Moundridge Youth Fund.
MHS—Woodshop Classroom Lighting—$2000
The lighting in the high school woodshop creates safety and accuracy issues for the students. Funds are requested to help alleviate the problem of low lighting that makes it difficult to see lines that were created to follow as students cut out pieces of their projects or measurements on the bench rules and tape measures. This grant money will be used to change out all the fluorescent fixtures with LED fixtures to increase the foot candles in the low areas and better distribute the lighting throughout the shop. An added benefit will be lower lighting cost in the shop area.
Moundridge Youth Football Club equipment— $483
The MYFC is a new organization this year to introduce 5th and 6th graders in Moundridge to tackle football in preparation for Jr High and High School. Requested funds are will be used to purchase practice and game equipment, specifically footballs, kicking tees, a tackling wheel, helmet covers (to differentiate offense and defense during practice scrimmages) and an equipment bag for storage.
Associated Ministries of Moundridge—2019 VBS CD music project— $500
The Associated Ministries of Moundridge sponsors Vacation Bible School every summer for the Moundridge community. Classes are provided for children ages 3 years old through those entering 6th grade. Approximately 150 students attend representing about 100 families. At the end of the session, each family is presented a music CD with music from the event. The CD’s cost $5.00 each. A $500 grant allows for each family to receive a CD of the 2019 session.
Moundridge Middle School Clubs—$500
Moundridge Middle School Clubs create opportunities for students to branch out into new peer groups, strengthen relationships with teachers outside a normal classroom setting, deepen their understanding of an already known topic, or to try something new that interests them. USD 423 staff such as paras, teachers (middle school and high school) and administration sponsor interest clubs that usually consists of 8-10 students. The main drive of clubs is to increase student involvement in school and to find that “thing” or person that makes that student passionate about learning. With the grant funds, more club offerings will be created and cover supply costs without charging club fees.
Moundridge 5th grade Sphero project—$1300
To purchase Sphero programmable robots for the classroom. A Sphero is a robot that provides an introductory level to computer programming and robotics. The Sphero robots will be used to teach science concepts, a robotics unit, and math concepts (area, perimeter, volume, and angles). The kit includes 12 Sphero balls and 12 chargers. This project will help get more technology in the classroom and help the students be more familiar with them. Spheros are fun and educational.
Moundridge Manor—Training Manikin—$3000
The purpose of the training manikin is to help the organization meet federal regulations along with ensuring it is providing competent care to the elders of the organization’s community. The manikin will be used for teaching new certified nursing assistants along with the training, testing, and skills enhancement of existing registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and nurse aides.
USD #423 “Dare to Be” —$1000
USD 423’s theme for the 2018-2019 school year is “Dare to Be”. With this theme, we want to encourage students to DARE.
D-Decision Making
A-Assertiveness to take Lead
R-Responsibility in Daily Life
E-Esteem for School Culture
Teachers and students will be able to nominate students they see daring to be! Making good decisions, taking initiatives, being responsible, and building up Wildcat esteem. Monthly these nominated students will be rewarded with an assembly and special lunch. Students will be celebrated for their decisions with the principal, each other, and the nominating teachers.
Moundridge High School—Safety and Security Project—$883
The purpose of this project is to provide additional safety for the Moundridge High School cafeteria. As part of the school safety plan, the cafeteria has eight large windows that have the possibility for people to look into the school easily and see large groups of students during lunch or passing periods. Grant funds will be used to purchase decorative window clings to dress up the outside of the school and provide safety for students while in the school.
USD #423– Preschool Playground Equipment—$8308
Beginning in the fall of 2018, Moundridge Elementary School will offer a preschool program. Approximately 36 children ages 3-5 will be served in this program. The USD 423 school board has worked with administration and staff to rearrange classrooms to allow for the additional students, purchase curriculum, and hire a teacher for the new preschool program. MCF grant funds will be used to purchase playground equipment that is safe and developmentally appropriate for children in preschool through kindergarten.
Moundridge Youth Ministries Meal Program—$2000
The Associated Ministries non-denominational Youth Program will provide a meal, activity, worship and learning time for approximately 125-130 community K-12 youth each week during the school year. This past year the High School Class was one of the largest. Many of the youth are from broken homes, and/or homes that are struggling financially. MYM strives to exhibit the love of Christ through action and words each session.
Mercy Hospital—Bladder Scanner—$3000
Mercy Hospital is always seeking to improve the patient experience for those who come to the hospital. The availability of a bladder scanner was identified as equipment that would provide patients with a better hospital experience by eliminating the number of unnecessary catheter-days, and help reduce the possibility of a patient acquiring a catheter-associated urinary tract infection.
West Zion’s Children’s Meal Ministry—$1800
West Zion congregation serves hot, nutritious meals to children and volunteers for the K-4 Moundridge Youth Ministries program hosted at the church. The program engages families in Moundridge with the love of God through age-appropriate Bible teaching. The program aims to cultivate personal morality and spirituality among children and families, as well as building up the faith life of the community.
Valley Hope of Moundridge Alumni Program—$2000
Humans have a biological need to form bonds with others. When this need isn’t met, we don’t function as we are meant to function. Addiction is a disease of isolation. We break, we hurt others, we become sick. Valley Hope is transforming the work with alumni. A new alumni program will break the cycle of isolation and provide our alumni with a sense of community, and a place to belong. Valley Hope is steadfast in its belief that recovery is possible. With the organization’s help, people struggling with addiction can reclaim their lives.
Moundridge Middle School—Becoming Scientists—$150
MMS students need this Science Olympiad opportunity to Become Scientists, working from August to April on their chosen events. The team of 18 students, grades 5-9, sign up for one event that they will master. They study scientific text & data that is above grade level, they practice & experiment with strategies to win. They aim at winning Gold at regionals so that they are invited to state competition. Olympiads are expected to strive, commit, develop leadership, problem solve, and experience life as a scientist. They will converse with physicists for three weeks online for guidance in their events through Adopt a Physicist.
** MCF secured funds from the McPherson Healthcare Foundation AED Fund for the following project:
Moundridge Recreation Commission—AED device—$1800
The portable AED device checks the heart rhythm and then sends an electric shock to restore normal rhythm. When a person has a heart attack or goes into sudden cardiac arrest, an AED resumes a regular heartbeat, preventing death. The AED will be used at the swimming pool, ball diamonds and in the gymnasium. The Zoll AED Plus and carrying case is portable and quickly accessible at several locations.