
[caption id="attachment_5226" align="alignright" width="353"] Lindsborg Child Care Center[/caption] The McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF) has received a grant to create community solutions for the child care capacity shortage in Kansas. More than $43 million in grant funding from the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund’s Child Care...

[caption id="attachment_4947" align="alignright" width="341"] Sage Toews-Canton-Galva 5,000.00 Brecken Pearson-Canton-Galva 2,500.00 Preston Minson-Canton-Galva 500.00 Cason Mastre-Canton-Galva 500.00[/caption] MCPHERSON, KAN. ---- The McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF) scholarship application process officially opens on Oct. 15. Requirements of scholarships will vary, but general applications will be accepted from all students in McPherson...

For the McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF), initiatives are how the Foundation can interact with the community and spur positive change. From surveying the communities in the county to celebrating the people who have gone above and beyond, our commitment is to the continued betterment...

Our partnering foundation the Inman Community Foundation has received a grant to increase the amount that they can match for their upcoming Match Week 2023. This grant, gifted from the Patterson Family Foundation, will provide $70,000 in matching dollars. Match Week officially kicks off on Friday,...

Our Suicide Prevention and Resource Awareness walk will be taking place on September 23rd from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. at Memorial Park in McPherson. List of partnering organizations: NAMI McEID United Way Prairie View Omega Project DCCA KSPHQ McPherson Public Library STEP MC Suicide has been considered...

In April we helped provide a training program that teaches participants how to assist those at risk of suicide. This training is a program from Kansas suicide Prevention HQ(KSPHQ) called Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). ASIST is a two day program that focuses on providing...

We are heading into the end of the year and that means full calendars for everyone. Here’s is a list of the upcoming important dates for the Foundation: Sept. 15th: Due date for County and David Nutt Grants. Due date for Mastermind McPherson County Grants. Sept. 23rd:...

The McPherson County Community Foundation (MCCF) will be accepting nominations for their Philanthropist of the Year and Organization of the Year awards now through Friday, Oct. 6. The Philanthropist of the Year award was originally established by the Foundation in 2005 with the intention of celebrating...

Every year the Foundation places signs of remembrance along the route of our Suicide Prevention and Awareness Walk. These signs allow those that have lost friends or family to suicide to grieve and let their stories be told. The Foundation covers the cost of the sign,...